©  Joe Elliott 2016
The Scribbling Sage
I eventually discovered that the positions and beliefs I hold have a name. That name is libertarianism. I’m a libertarian as far as philosophy is concerned but I’m not necessarily in line with every position that the Libertarian party holds. For those who don’t know, libertarianism is basically about freedom. We are so programmed to think in terms of the two main parties that anything apart from that seems weird, extreme or absurd in some way. But the truth is that libertarianism is what we have lost. It used to be the norm. We were at least closer to that than we are now, much closer. Here I will make my case for libertarianism and freedom. There seems to be a growing tide in that direction. I hope that’s true, at least. However, there is no doubt that there are plenty among us who are very far from seeing things this way. Far too many seem to want to make other people live the way they want them to live. We are constantly struggling with one another in an effort to determine whose worldview will prevail. I, along with many others,  feel it doesn’t need to be this way. Why can’t we just leave one another alone? Why must we meddle in one another’s lives? Besides the principle of freedom simply for the sake of freedom, there is also the issue of the financial impact that big government brings. The more we regulate, the more it costs. As more things are made illegal, the more it costs us as a society. I not only advocate for a libertarian approach because I want to be free. I also advocate it because it will benefit my bank account as well. So, my mission is to convert as many as I can to the course of freedom. I’m not naïve enough to believe that I will ever live in a truly libertarian society. All I hope for is that we can at least move in that direction. I just hope we can reverse the course we are on now and instead start moving in the direction of freedom. America, Land of Contradictions Legalize the Three Vices No Level of Gun Control is Acceptable The Choice is Clear: Gary Johnson Can’t We All Just Get Out of Each Other’s Way? Sensible Gun Control? I Think Not The Solution the Great Culture War is Simple: Why Can’t We Just Look the Other Way? Yes, We should be free to discriminate
