©  Joe Elliott 2016
The Scribbling Sage

What’s It All For Anyway?

Not to get all existential, but really, what is it all for? What is it that we’re working for? What’s the purpose to these lives we live? What will it all mean in the end? Not all people are bothered by these questions. Many can just go through life without ever really questioning what the whole point to it is. In some ways, I envy those people. It’s indeed much easier to not have to search for meaning. But I just can’t resist. I may never know the answers, but I must ask the questions. Maybe there’s meaning in simply asking the questions. That seems to be the main reason people gravitate towards religion. We want to know how it all began. We seek to know why we’re here. We want to know why things happen the way they do. It says something important that we even have to capability to ponder these questions. Maybe we are meant to seek these answers. Will our life have meaning if we somehow accomplish something that will endure? But how long must it endure for it to all be worth it? Very few individuals have ever done something that actually endures forever. Almost everyone and everything is forgotten at some point. Even doing something to contribute to the betterment of mankind in a very meaningful way can be wiped away in a blink of an eye. I wish to contribute in some small way in moving mankind in the direction of libertarian type of thought. To me, freedom and liberty are principles worth fighting for. But, for one, I know I’ll never see the fruition of all of my ideas. It just won’t happen. So I must be content with the thought that hopefully in some small ways, I’m able to nudge thought and opinion in that direction, along with others with similar views. But one big political shift could come along and wipe all of those gains to the side. Any work I do in that direction is very likely going to be for naught. That being said, I believe it entirely possible that with the modern media we use and enjoy today, certain things will endure much longer than they would have previously. Because of digital storage devices and techniques many movies, songs, television shows, books and other writing could live on indefinitely. But that depends on there still being interest in them. At some point, if the past is any guide, tastes will shift and evolve enough that all of what we call entertainment today will be lost.  Maybe this question is at the heart of why so many of us want to believe that our soul or spirit lives on through eternity. If we live on, it at least makes us feel that our work will in some way keep moving forwards. If there isn’t an end to our existence then there isn’t an end to our work. It doesn’t seem so pointless somehow. This brings us back to religion or God or spirituality. Many believe our sole purpose is to enlighten others to the existence of whatever God or form or version of God in which we happen to believe. I happen to believe that there is some validity and value to this view. I seek to enlighten others to truth. Any truth is important, as long as it’s actually the truth. Truth is reality. Therefore, I seek to enlighten others to reality, as I see it, of course. Going along with the religious theme is the fact that many people seek meaning through the helping of others with their physical needs. Many need help with food, clothing and shelter. And there is no question that that is a noble and no doubt fulfilling pursuit. Making the world a better and more comfortable place for as many people as possible is one of my aims. An argument could be made that this sort of contribution does indeed endure, because it tends to have a chain reaction sort of effect. A better life for parents leads to a better life for kids, then their kids and so forth. But when it comes to this sort of thing, does it really matter that it endures? Is that even the point? I’ve touched on a few items that are important to me. There are of course other pursuits and activities that others find meaningful or at least worth pursuing. Building a family is obviously a very big one. Many feel as if this is very important. There are many reasons why. Some have a firm belief that it is their duty to do their part in propagating the species. Others have a need to make sure their family line endures. Many simply want the pleasure and fulfillment of raising children, which lead to grandchildren and so on. I’ve never had the desire to have children. I’ve just always felt I was meant for other things. I believe there are plenty others out there like me. Many feel compelled to have kids. There always seems to be this pressure from society to reproduce. But to me it’s very important to walk in the truth that was meant for you. And that’s what I’m doing. Some try to find meaning in their work. That’s conceivable to me when it comes to certain careers. But there are many jobs that are nothing more than that, they’re just jobs. The only meaning that can be gleaned from them is a solid and honest day’s work. I get small bits of enjoyment from my job, but nothing nearing the level of fulfillment. That’s why I write. I want something that fills me more than the job I have now. After family and work most of us have any number of hobbies that we use to occupy our free time. To me, so much of what we spend time on seems like such a waste. Sometimes I wish I didn’t feel that way. But it seems to me that hobbies are more for those who don’t really worry about the greater questions. Hobbies are for those who don’t need life to make sense or have any meaning. Hobbies are meant to fill time. The same goes for so-called entertainment. The word says it all. We’re entertained for that period of time, or our time is simply occupied for a period of time. We must then seek something else. It’s a never ending quest. The only answer I can come up with through all of this is that it’s better to just keep moving forward. I would much rather seek to contribute than to just be a bystander. I seek to make my mark in several of these categories. Maybe none of my work will endure. But at the very least, I have to try. I have dreams like many people do. I’ve put off those dreams for many years. But they have never stopped gnawing at me. I have no choice in the matter really. I simply cannot accept the idea that I’ll be sitting around in my old age wishing that I’d taken a shot at achieving the desires of my heart. I don’t want to have any regrets, at least not any regrets about not taking the shots that I’ve been given. I just couldn’t live with that. If I happen to find meaning along the way, then so be it.